
“The Play What I Wrote”

The trial of Charles 1 took place from January 20th to January 27th, 1649, The King was executed at 2pm on January 30th outside the Banqueting House in Whitehall. The clockface at Horseguards still marks the hour. I wrote Man of Blood or Martyr of the People? in response to a request for a fund-raising event that could be held in Sandwich’s medieval courtroom. It was performed to packed houses in August 2016 … and the King was found not guilty by every audience!


The last of the Roundheads & Cavaliers quartet is now an audiobook – as always, narrated by Alex Wyndham. Here’s what early reviewers are saying:-

“The twists and turns of the plot are brought wonderfully to life by Alex’s interpretation and we are whisked away to complex and fascinating times gone past. It’s a thoroughly enjoyable and very satisfying tale bringing the family sagas full circle.”

“Listening now…a total winner! Hurrah for the unrivalled combo Stella and Alex!”

“Alex Wyndham is masterful at bringing life to Stella Riley’s stories. I’ve listened to all the books in this series-multiple times- and loved them all.”

Purchase now from Audible and Amazon.

5 star praise for Kit’s story …

The Shadow Earl is a beautifully written romance but covering dark issues of the era most writers avoid. Stella Riley’s characters are, as ever, delightfully believable, authentic and historically accurate. She writes with the sparkling wit of Austen and Heyer and research par excellence.”

A book full of wonderful characters, an intriguing and exciting plot and writing in a style that was a delight. It is the best tale of revenge I have read since The Count of Monte Cristo.”

Haunted by past trauma, Kit has secrets and nightmares; he’s a ‘shadow’ of his former self with new darker feelings of hate and revenge. Can he control them? Can he ever heal? This is someone who is so relatable I felt teary at times, and I think Stella Riley did a brilliant job of capturing what someone with PTSD goes through.”


The audiobook, performed by Alex Wyndham, is coming soon!


Christian’s story was released yesterday and reached number 3 in the Amazon UK historical romances best seller lists. If you’ve already read it, please leave a comment here telling me what you thought of it. Better still, leave a brief review on Amazon. It doesn’t have to be much. Four words such as, “I really enjoyed it” will do – and you have my thanks in advance.

The paperback will be released very soon and Alex is currently recording the audiobook.

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