Like most writers, I am always happy to hear from my readers. If you have a question or would just like to chat, please leave a comment.
Historical fiction; Historical romance; Georgian; 18th Century; English Civil War; 17th Century; Fiction;
Like most writers, I am always happy to hear from my readers. If you have a question or would just like to chat, please leave a comment.
Hello Stella
I had been listening to historical mystery series on Audible for some time when I discovered your books and was hooked. How do you do it?! You don’t create characters you create people. Every single one is real! I love them all. I can tell by Alex Wyndham’s reading that he enjoys reading your stories. How does he make the women sound like women! I’m sad that I have come to the end of all the series now but have just begun “The Marigold Chain” and enjoying that.
In “Masque of Deceptions” I really liked the way Anna dealt with the unwanted attentions of one man by the use of a fork. It reminded me of a story I was told about my grandma. My auntie had complained about the behaviour of a man sitting next to her in the cinema. My gran swapped places with her. It was in the days when ladies wore hats with substantial hat pins. The man sat quietly for a few minutes with his bowler hat on his lap then began nudging her with his elbow. She looked round to find he had lifted the bowler hat to reveal what had been exposed under it! Without a word she pulled out her hatpin and stabbed him in the leg.
He had the cheek to complain that he was only trying to be friendly. I hope you don’t mind my telling that story but hearing what Anna did made me think of my grandma. Oh and the bit where she whacked the baddy with the shovel! Wonderful!
Thank you so much for the lovely stories that I can disappear into.
Thank you for your very kind comments, Adele – I’m delighted that you’ve enjoyed my (and Alex’s!) audios. And it was lovely to hear that Anna’s behaviour reminded you of your Grandma – wonderful story, by the way! As for how Alex is able to do women’s voices so well, that’s always been a mystery to me. I’ve never been able to understand how he switches so smoothly between various characters’ voices, punctuated with pieces of narrative. He describes it as ‘muscle memory’ but that leaves me no wiser! Of course, he knows my ‘author’s voice’ better than anyone by now – we’ve been collaborating for over 8 years and met each other a few times when geography has permitted.
If you could spare a moment to post a brief review on either Amazon or Audible, I would greatly appreciate it.
Hi, Stella Riley
My name is Kenny Elisha. I’m a Literary Assistant at P English Literature (PEL). It’s a pleasure connecting with you, and I would like to introduce you to our literary organization.
Established in 2020, P English Literature is an Art and Literary organization founded by Peter Okonkwo and officially registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission – RC 7923553. Since our inception, we have interviewed over 700 authors from different parts of the world, including prominent and emerging ones, covering all genres of literature.
We have been a voice to authors seeking exposure for their works, and we promote literature through our extensive literary activities including organizing book festivals, book club meetings, author interviews, book reviews, literary competitions, feast of books and cultures events, opinion commentaries, writer’s conferences, open mics and a host of other literary activities.
I’m writing to you because we are currently looking for authors to get featured in the November/December Edition of Author Interview on our show. I’m curious to know if you would love to come on our show in an interview to talk about your book(s).
If you are interested, you can respond to this message, and Peter, the show presenter, will send you author interview invitation, and a form to schedule to meet via Zoom. You’ll get interviewed by him, or the co-host, Cyndi Brec, or both of them.
I would like you to look our show up on YouTube by searching “P. English Literature” and let me know what you think of it. Plus, if you have any questions. Also, the recently launched audio versions of our show are now widely distributed on Amazon Music, Spotify, Pandora, iHeartRadio, Samsung Podcasts, Apple Music,, Podcast Index, and a host of other famous sites for extensive engagements.
Because this is a promotional interview invitation, there is a $55 appearance fee attached to it (payable to PEL). I apologize for coming into your website’s Direct Form Contact. It’s not a must, you may politely decline if you want to, by replying “Not Interested”. We are just trying to reach out to as many interested authors who are seeking promotional interviews for their works.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best Regards,
Kenny Elisha
Not interested. I’m suspicious of any organisation that wants to charge me for giving an interview. Don’t contact me again.
I have just discovered your writings and am thrilled to have done so!
I’ve been reading ‘The Shadow Earl’ and ‘Masque of Deceptions’ with great enjoyment.
I look forward to your novel centered on this group of friends as well as more novels from this period.
Wishes for continued happy writing from a delighted fan.
Thank you, Ruth. As you will probably have seen, there are 2 other series set around 1780 that you may enjoy – the 7 book Rockliffe series and the Brandon Trilogy. Happy reading!
Hi Stella
I am excited to see your new book coming out, But I notice it js only on Kindle on Amazon. Will there be a print edition? I hope so, to add to my collection lf your books(which a well thumbed at this point!).
I replied by email, Jane – not ready to answer that question publicly yet.
Hello Stella
I have just discovered your books! I really enjoyed The Shadow Earl and am looking forward to Masque of Deceptions. I hope you will carry on and tell us the stories of Benedict, Anthony and maybe Oscar??
I am now embarking on the Rockliffe series, and have reached book 2. But I just felt I had to write about something that never fails to make me grit my teeth, and that is when authors get addressing the nobility wrong. I finally decided to write a comment when I read Adeline’s maid Jeanne addressing her as ‘my lady’, when of course a duchess is a rung above a lady and is always addressed as ‘your Grace’, ‘her Grace’ and never ‘my lady’. You use ‘his Grace’ and not ‘my lord’ for Rockcliffe, so I’m not sure how Adeline has been demoted! I was also puzzled how Rosalind’s brother in the first book could be Lord Philip when she is not Lady Rosalind? Someone described as Lord followed by their first name would have to be as far as I know the younger son of a duke or marquess, which would mean Rosalind as a daughter would be Lady Rosalind, but unless I missed something, he and Rosalind are not the children of a duke or a marquess, and he and Rosalind appear to have had the same father, so how can he be Lord Philip when Rosalind is not Lady Rosalind? I’m confused!
The first 2 Rockliffe books were written a very long time ago when I was in the hands of mainstream publishers. You’ll find the rest of the series from The Player onwards rather different – having been written much more recently. The same is also true of the Brandon trilogy.
Hi Stella,
Daniela Again.
I Just finished listening to Cadenza. I loved the opening scene, so much so that I was almost in stitches, literally! I had to stop sewing during that scene otherwise my hand would have been stitched to my work.
While not my favorite of the series, it definitely had some great parts, for example, the relationship between Elizabeth (Lizzie) and Ralph Harcourt, Earl of Sherbourne was quite entertaining, I would have loved to have seen more of them.
Scenes of domesticity in the Rockcliffe “household” ( its not a house even though its in the name ) were highly enjoyable, details about the music of the era, its composers, the description of the harpsicord and the sibling relationships between the Brandon Brothers were also things I enjoyed about the book.
To be honest, while listening to the book, I certainly thought that Julian, given his shyness of ladies, and his singular devotion to his work would have been… unfamiliar with the amorous arts, to find out otherwise, sounded a bit… incongruous (I hope I’m using the right word) to me. However, given how you went about explaining it, well it made sense. Its so very rare, I suppose, that a man as swoon worthy as Julian would be wouldn’t have been initiated in some way.
Anyway, I look forward to listening to your latest novel soon.
Until Next Time!
p.s. please don’t ever change the style of your cover illustrations, they are so lovely and I cant ever get enough of them.
Thanks for dropping in, Daniela. Glad you enjoyed Cadenza – it’s one of my favourites, too. As for the book covers, I have already made a change with both The Shadow Earl and also, Masque of Deceptions – my new title, on pre-order at Amazon since yesterday. Both of these were done with a photo shoot and male model. Why not take a look? You might like them.