
Like most writers, I am always happy to hear from my readers.  If you have a question or would just like to chat, please leave a comment.

266 thoughts on “Contact”

  1. Hi Stella,
    Daniela Again.
    I Just finished listening to Cadenza. I loved the opening scene, so much so that I was almost in stitches, literally! I had to stop sewing during that scene otherwise my hand would have been stitched to my work.
    While not my favorite of the series, it definitely had some great parts, for example, the relationship between Elizabeth (Lizzie) and Ralph Harcourt, Earl of Sherbourne was quite entertaining, I would have loved to have seen more of them.
    Scenes of domesticity in the Rockcliffe “household” ( its not a house even though its in the name ) were highly enjoyable, details about the music of the era, its composers, the description of the harpsicord and the sibling relationships between the Brandon Brothers were also things I enjoyed about the book.
    To be honest, while listening to the book, I certainly thought that Julian, given his shyness of ladies, and his singular devotion to his work would have been… unfamiliar with the amorous arts, to find out otherwise, sounded a bit… incongruous (I hope I’m using the right word) to me. However, given how you went about explaining it, well it made sense. Its so very rare, I suppose, that a man as swoon worthy as Julian would be wouldn’t have been initiated in some way.
    Anyway, I look forward to listening to your latest novel soon.
    Until Next Time!
    p.s. please don’t ever change the style of your cover illustrations, they are so lovely and I cant ever get enough of them.

    1. Thanks for dropping in, Daniela. Glad you enjoyed Cadenza – it’s one of my favourites, too. As for the book covers, I have already made a change with both The Shadow Earl and also, Masque of Deceptions – my new title, on pre-order at Amazon since yesterday. Both of these were done with a photo shoot and male model. Why not take a look? You might like them.

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