Welcome to Stella Riley’s Books


The Book Excellence Awards is an international book awards competition dedicated to helping authors and publishers increase their visibility, credibility and book sales. Authors who have entered our awards program have been featured in media such as ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, Forbes, the Huffington Post and more. 


I am delighted to announce that Cadenza has been awarded the Book Excellence Award for 2021 in the category of Romance.

Cadenza – Romance (bookexcellenceawards.com)


Click on the B.R.A.G. Medallion for a complete list of awards or the covers below to the individual books.























B.R.A.G. (Book Readers Appreciation Group) brings together a large group of readers located throughout the United States and in ten other countries around the globe in search of talented self-published authors and help their work achieve the recognition it deserves.


And 2019 Readers’ Favorite Gold Award for: Cadenza




Readers’ Favourite,  a fast-growing book review and award contest site, has earned the respect of renowned publishers such as Penguin, Random House and Harper Collins.  It has won “Honoring Excellence” awards from the Association of Independent Authors and is fully accredited.

About Me

I wrote my first novel, Lucifer’s Champion, to find out if I was actually capable of writing  a book . It turned out that I was … but that I had a lot to learn.  Consequently, by the time poor Lucifer was finally published, it had been through so many incarnations it was neither fish nor fowl – which is why I will never re-issue it.

After Lucifer,  came The Marigold Chain.  The version currently available, is not the 1983 original.  It was an early work and changes were needed so I used the opportunity to make them.

Next came A Splendid Defiance – the first of my Civil War novels and possibly, still, the one dearest to my heart.  Banbury made the perfect backdrop – a town full of Puritans and a castle held by the Cavaliers for four years and through an epic fourteen-week siege.  It was a wonderful opportunity to tell  the true story of just one English castle and the real men who defended it.

Inevitably, Defiance led to my Roundheads & Cavaliers series:-
The Black Madonna, Garland of Straw, The King’s Falcon and Lords of Misrule.
The series begins in 1639 and, by the end of Misrule, has reached 1655. There may be one more book to come, featuring Toby Maxwell and the Restoration … but only time will tell.

Part-way through writing the R&C books, I decided I needed a change of pace – hence The Parfit Knight and The Mésalliance.

So why the mid-Georgians rather than the Regency?
I could be flippant and say I’ve a fondness for men with long hair … which would be true but isn’t by any means the whole story.  I find the period more robust and less constrained; and the fashions in general – but particularly for the men – were much more flamboyant and, in my opinion, sexier.  The Rockliffe series has grown with the addition of The Player ,   The Wicked Cousin ,  Hazard,  Cadenza

Along the way, I decided to venture into the world of audio books.  As a result, all seven  Rockliffe books and also A Splendid Defiance   and  The Marigold Chain are all available in audio, narrated by superbly talented Alex Wyndham.

All titles are available in paperback and e-versions can be purchased from  Amazon, Smashwords, Kobo, and i-Tunes.

Happy reading!

447 thoughts on “Welcome to Stella Riley’s Books”

  1. Just discovered this site!
    I “bumped” into your novels while searching for Georgette Heyer’s works and read “Mesalliance” followed by “Player” online. Excellent work.

    I rediscovered GH recently and recall reading them when I was a teenager. I’m now a 76-year old spinster living with a cat and dog and have become an “anglophile” who loves re-reading Austen’s works, along with GH, MK, and look forward to reading more of your works as well. I love history, historical architecture, historical novels, and though I live in “across the pond” in the “colonies” have become an anglophile! I must say that there were a few amorous moments reading “Mesalliance” that I had to get my fan out to keep “cool” but thankfully, you cut to another scene. I applaud you for keeping us readers mostly in the “drawing room” vs the bedroom.

    1. Lovely to hear from you, Alicia – and delighted that you enjoyed The Mesalliance and The Player. Perhaps you will read the rest of the Rockliffe series and maybe move on to the Brandon brothers. However … remind me. Who is MK? I can’t place those initials and it’s bugging me!

      1. MK is the author, Mary Kingsley.

        I will read the rest of the Rockliffe series as well as the Brandon brothers. Thank you for replying.

  2. Dear Stella,
    I read your first books back in the 80’s and only just found you have continued writing.
    What a pleasure to find further books carrying on from “The Parfit Knight”.
    I tried to sign up for you newsletter, but the site will not let me and keeps coming up with the message Failed reCAPTCHA test. Except it did not come up with a Captcha test, and kept going straight to blank page with this message.

  3. I have read / listened to all of your books and have tremendously enjoyed each one. Your writing is perfection, there’s no silliness, the character arcs are wonderful, and the history is so enjoyable. It’s my first visit to your website and I was delighted to see it’s graced by Madame de Pompadour at the top! Please keep writing!! Your works are a joy.

    1. Many thanks for your kind comments, Kim – so glad you enjoy my work. As you doubtless know, a new book is on the way and currently on pre-order. But drop in here any time and leave a message – I always try to reply!

  4. Hello.
    First, I would like to thank you for all the time and work you have devoted through the years to entertaining and enlightening your readers.
    The first book I read of yours was “The Parfit Knight” and not being able to find another book by “Juliet Blyth,” I thought it was – highly regrettably! – a “one off.”
    Then I found the Fantastic Fiction website and discovered there was an entire series about the characters I had met and grown fond of in “The Parfit Knight.”
    I have since purchased (in hardcover), read, very much enjoyed, and intend to keep the “Rockliffe,” “Brandon Brothers,” and what has been released thus far of what you (or your publisher) are calling the “Shadows” series.
    I see book two of the “Shadows” series, “Masque of Deception,” will be released the end of this month (August).
    That was wonderful news; however, it was also listed as only being released as an e-book!
    Will it be released in other format(s) as well?
    Thank you for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind comments and support, Myrna. Masque of Deceptions will indeed be released in print – paperback quite soon and hardback following a little later. (Later still, there will also be an audiobook.) Follow me here at the website for further information.

      1. Alex’s narration is well worth waiting for! So excited that we have a new book to look forward to. You are the best!

        1. Yes, Alex’s diary has been pretty full recently but he’ll be recording Masque of Deceptions in November so the audio should be out before Christmas.

      2. You’re very welcome, Stella.
        Glad to know “Masque of Deceptions” will be available in print format as well as in e-book…I just need to be patient. (Not a “strong suit” for me, but…)
        I’ve been re-reading “The Shadow Earl” to reacquaint myself with the characters/relationships prior to reading “Masque of Deceptions,” and I’ve seen something I missed previously.
        It’s likely not something you intended, but…”The Shadow Earl” could be a cautionary tale of the dangers of breaking the tenth Commandment (“Thou shalt not covet…anything that is thy neighbor’s”). Basil covets EVERYTHING that is his cousin’s – up to and including the woman his cousin loves! Thankfully, he only ALMOST gets away with his attempt to take his cousin’s life and possessions…and finishes up at The Retreat for his pains. (I loved the little vignette of what the rest of his life will be like…)
        I agree with Kit’s friends what they plan and execute to bring Basil to book is justice…even though they have to more or less entrap him. One is always much more critical of oneself than anyone else would be.
        (I can recall any number of school assignments I thought were the worst tripe ever perpetrated…and my pleased surprise when they were returned, and I saw my teachers hadn’t agreed with my assessment of them!)
        And, oh…that “duel!” I still grin every time I think about it…!
        Take care and, again, thank you for your time.

        1. An interesting point, Myrna – but no, I didn’t have the 10th commandment in mind. Just a jealous, greedy and not very intelligent character who thought he’d found the perfect way to be rid of his cousin.
          As for Daniel’s duel … it hasn’t been forgotten, even by men who weren’t there. But Daniel’s situation has changed since then, bringing new challenges. I hope you enjoy his ongoing story.

          1. From the preview on “Fantastic Fiction” I’m sure I shall.
            I see his book just became available in hardcover today…I will be ordering it tonight!!
            All the best,

          2. I wasn’t aware of anything on Fantastic Fiction, Myrna – will have to check it out. And yes, the hardback of Masque is now available.

  5. I have just managed to listen to The Lords of Misrule and I loved it! It was well worth the wait. 🙂

  6. I was introduced to your books via ‘The ShadowEarl’ and my 2nd book of yours was ‘The Parfit Knight’ and Oh My God did this book make me happy ! My all time favorite for historical romance novels is Georgette Heyer and especially ‘These Old Shades’ and its sequel ‘Devil’s Cub’. I could be very wrong but I see great parallels between Dominic Ballantyne with the Marquis of Vidal, Dominic’s mother with Leonie, Rosalind with a crossover of Juliana Marling and Mary Challoner, and Rockliffe with Justin Duke of Avon…. And there is absolutely no harm in this. Both stories are beautiful and quite quite different and yet both sets of characters inspire in me a love for them, which I have not found for a long time in many other forgettable books. I love the way you use the English language in a way appropriate to its time and I deplore how so many writers from America – who write in the same historical period – use completely off-putting 20th/21st century tone, flavor and slang in the English, which often make my hair stand. So much so that I have resorted to reading their other books via the French translations which at least gives their stories the elegance of phrase and tone missing in the original.
    So thank you Stella, for being another Heyer for me, long sought after….now finally found. I shall definitely buy the rest of the Rockliffe series and more.

    1. Thank you so much for your very kind comments, Helen. Like so many readers, I grew up on Georgette Heyer’s novels in my teens. There wasn’t – and, in my opinion, still isn’t anyone quite like her. But yes, you would see similarities to GH’s work in The Parfit Knight because it was my first attempt at Georgian romance. The 2 books I’d written prior to that were both set in the 17th century and classified as historical fiction rather than historical romance. So, in Parfit Knight I was feeling my way towards finding my own ‘voice’. You may not be aware, but there was a very long gap (over 20 years) between The Mesalliance and The Player … so Rockliffe has brewed and matured over time. As for language, like you I despair over writers incapable of using it correctly … but sadly this is a sign of the times. Thank you again for getting in touch and if you could find a few moments to write a brief review, it would be greatly appreciated.

    2. Well said. I have just finished reading the Rockliffe series and am looking forward to reading the rest of Stella Riley’s works. I have read and reread Georgette Heyer and love her use of language. It’s wonderful to find another author who honors it.

  7. Stella please please write more Rockliffe books! I promise to review every book in the series in return. I think he is a fabulous character, and you convey his depth of character with so subtly. He’s reminds me of Louis XIV – Rockliffe’s family circle around him, living their own lives yet always under his protection and under his demesne. Perhaps that is just me? Anyway, thank you for the wonderful Rockliffe series.

    1. I’m gathering that you want Rockliffe in person, Alison? He pops in and out of the Brandon Trilogy if that’s any help but, though he’s referred to in The Shadow Earl, he doesn’t actually appear in it. Nor do I think it likely he’ll be making in an appearance in the book I’m writing now which sort of follows on from Shadow. Sorry.

  8. My godmother gave me practically all your books. She knew I would love them. I started with Roundheads and Cavaliers and estimated some 6 months to read them. I end up reading them in one month… For me, it feels like time travelling through history and healing wounds as you resonate with the dramas that the characters go through as they resolve their issues. It puts things into perspective, too. We surely live in interesting times, but when you re-visit history, it feels more like we’re in a time-loop, if that makes any sense. Now I’m reading Rockliffe and enjoying it just as much.

    Thank you for sharing your talent!

  9. I’ve read my share of your novels and I need to say this: thank you!!! You’re an amazing author and if I hadn’t encountered The Parfit Knight one day on Amazon, I would probably not have dived as deep into the historical romance community. Your prose is wonderful, as well as the characters. The Rockliffe Series will probably hold ground as my favourite series and I’ve just started The Marigold Chain and so far I’ve never had a HR novel making me laugh so much (Chloe is a gem <333).

    P.S. Amberley is my favourite fictional husband.

    1. Thank you so much, Cherry – I’m delighted you’ve enjoyed Rock & Co and branched out into the 17th century with Marigold. Your comments are greatly appreciated and if you could find a few minutes to post a brief review of whichever book(s) you liked best, that would be wonderful.

  10. Hi Stella,
    I love all your books and have read and listened to them all a number of times. I think my favourites are definitely the R and C books, especially The Black Madonna and A Splendid Defiance.

    I just wondered if the there was any further news on the recording of The Lords of Misrule?

    1. Sorry it’s taken a while to get back to you, Paddy – I’ve been on holiday. With regards to Lords of Misrule, a new cover is finally in hand and should be ready to replace the old one very soon – so this is a step in the right direction. As to the audio, that is still very definitely a future project but it may have to take second place to a forthcoming new title which, like many things recently, has been very significantly delayed but which I hope to have on pre-order by the end of May. Once that’s done, I’ll give some thought to the Misrule audio. Sorry not to be more help!

  11. Sadly, I just finished the last of your books I had left to read on Amazon (A Splendid Defiance), which is my new favorite of (many) favorites. Sigh. I’m sad that I’m through, but grateful and uplifted for having spent so many hours with your characters. I will definitely reread. You are an incredible, gifted author!

    1. Thank you so much, Molly – I’m delighted you enjoyed spending time with Justin and Abby, amongst many others. A new book is on the way – it’s been delayed by unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances – but should be out in the next few months.

  12. I’ve just started the Rockliffe series (I’m in the middle of the second book) and I think I’ve just found one of my favourite historical romance authors! Your characters are so likeable I just can’t get over it. The genre often treats itself very seriously but your writing is so light that everytime I put the book aside after reading a chapter, I feel so optimistic. God bless! You’ve just earnt yourself a fan!

  13. Are there any plans for the Lords of Misrule to be produced as an audio book. I’m unable to read and have thoroughly enjoyed listening to the cavaliers and roundheads tales. I really want to hear what becomes of Eden and the family.

    1. Lords of Misrule will become an audio at some point but not quite yet, Lin. Alex’s next job for me is The Montesoro Legacy – he’ll be recording next month. But Misrule is currently being proof-read (again!) and also needs a new cover before I consider audio.

      1. Thank you so much. I’ll eagerly await it’s release. In the meantime I am listening to the Black Madonna again! I am besotted with Kate and Luciano X

  14. Any hope of Alex narrating books 3 & 4 of R&C? I’ve enjoyed all the Rockliffe audiobooks, the two Brandon Bros audiobooks, and the first two R&C audiobooks. I love to read, but I’ve become addicted to really well done audiobooks…and wonderful narrators!
    By the way, I have been quite intrigued by the actual history in the R&C books. Truly! I found an article about a hoard of gems found buried in Cheapside in 1913 or so. And I grinned ear to ear, realizing that those were Luciano del Santi’s gems!! Brilliant!

    1. Good news, Deborah! Alex is currently recording The King’s Falcon – he’s about tw0-thirds of the way through – and it’s going well. Watch this space for further updates! And well done for spotting that the so-called Cheapside Hoard features in Madonna and Garland – you’re the first to do so. When I first found out about the Cheapside Hoard I’d already written most of The Black Madonna and had situated Luciano’s shop on the corner of Friday Street and Cheapside. With such such a happy coincidence, how could I possibly resist taking advantage of it?

  15. Wish your books were still found in libraries. I read the Parfit Knight from my library, but now that one is gone,, and there aren’t any more books by you. In fact, for the longest time, I thought your name was Juliet Blyth, which also didn’t help matters. As for romantic books, they draw me in, then quickly disappoint me. The Parfit Knight was/is different. I found the story charming and believable. Oddly enough, the male characters of Amberley and Rockliffe intrigued me as much, if not more, than pretty and sweet Rosalind. The men are so elegant, so masculine, and…so well dressed!!! Rockliffe particularly interests me. He seems a little like Oscar Wilde. I enjoyed his lazily flirtatious ways with Rosalind. I havr come to find him the most intriguing one of the entire book, much to my surprise. Much later, after finishing the book, I then learned that he has a book all about his own journey to marital bliss, but I cannot find it anywhere, so I guess I will have to buy it online. Problem is, money, as always is not my forte. Like the noxious Robert Dacre, I’m not always careful with my own spending. I’m sure Rockliffe would look at me with his dark, amused, heavily lidded gaze and say something arch and droll and quietly devastating. Really, I need to read his book. I’m already too much re-reading The Parfit Knight. Much as I Love Amberley and Rosalind, there’s something very playful, slightly devilish and quite the wild card about Rockliffe. I want to see if he comes to life for me in his own book. Will he settle down contentedly and be duly yoked and, with docile resignation, accept his fate? I guess he must, to some real degree, yet, he’s the playful trickster type. If I were an actor I’d want to play Him. Well, at some point I will have to get the sequel, but for decades now, (and it’s been Decades) it’s just been a fever dream to me…one that I unexpectedly revisit from time to time, reminding myself, yet again: “I really have to read that next book, about Rockliffe.” Then I forget what the title is, or, in remembering, then struggle with the spelling, and also forget that Juliet Blyth goes by another name, (or more than 2, even) so I just give up and then re-read The Parfit Knight again. Seems to me that my Lord Marquis, Amberley, would not approve of any of this. It all just seems like I dreamed up the Parrot Knight, that i didn’t write it, but dreamed someone else did, and then I read it in a dream, but it doesn’t Really exist…except in a barely remembered but much loved dream…Rockliffe beckons, but I’m still like Rosalind, in Vauxhall Gardens, not knowing at all where I’m going – Except – I’m not terrified, which is a plus. Must always see the good side! Thank you for a Lovely Book!!!!!

    1. As you’ve obviously realised, my real writing name is Stella Riley. Juliet Blyth and Anna Marsh were pseudonyms used briefly with other publishers a long time ago and for reasons I can’t remember.
      I fully understand that you find the Amazon print editions somewhat expensive but this is due to high print-on-demand costs. If they were priced any lower, I wouldn’t make anything from them at all.
      The cheapest way these days is to buy e-format – Kindle, Kobo etc – but I also recognise that this isn’t for everyone. I’m delighted that The Parfit Knight made such a strong impression on you and hope that you’ll find a way to read some of the other books in the series at a later date.

      1. My apologies, sincerely proffered, Ms Riley, to have brought crass lucre into it. You completely deserve to sell your books at a reasonable profit! As well, I so dislike how whiny I came across. Fortunately, happy to state that I now own the Messalliance, (or however that intriguing yet deeply, to me, troubling word is spelled), purchased from Amazon! I’m thrilled to be reading it! I’m just a little disappointed that Lord Amberley now has the first name of Dominic rather than Denzil, but this is a trifling matter, albeit I refuse to call him anything but Denzil, in my own mind, no matter how many times I may yet have to read Dominic. Again, a small matter and just a quibbling thing. I’ve only started the book so I have much more to go and to enjoy!!!!!!

        1. You haven’t anything to apologise for, Christobel. As for the change of Amberley’s given name, by the time I came to re-publish Mesalliance, A TV sit-com had become very popular in the UK and it featured a dustman (refuse collector) called Denzil – the first (possibly only) time most people had ever heard the name. So a change seemed advisable. Hope you enjoy Rock’s story.

  16. Dear Stella,

    First of all, I want to thank you for the wonderful books and stories that you are sharing with your readers! I am an avid audiobook listener because I have the tendency to binge (and am somehow impatient) and listening rather than reading allows me to spend larger chunks of time with the story, because I can also do other manual activities in the meantime. I have finished today Max Brandon’s story and hence all the available audiobooks (which I have also rated on audible.de). I started my journey with your Rockliffe series, which I absolutely adored (thank you by the way for the beautiful ending in your Christmas novella). I was also delighted to meet Elizabeth and Ralph again in “A Trick of Fate”, since, for better or worse, I really empathized with Ralph in Cadenza and wanted more of him.

    Since, as I mentioned, I tend to binge, I usually only start a series of books once I know they are all available, because I’m just too damn curious to know what happens next with my beloved characters. I have, however, recently decided on starting with your civil war (audio)books and they were simply spectacular! They also managed to stir up in me a wide and powerful range of emotions. Also, it made relearning about that point in history particularly enjoyable. All in all, thank you!

    Now to the questions: I know you get asked this quite regularly, but do you have an update into which of your books will be recorded as an audiobook next? I’m especially interested in the last two volumes of the Roundheads and Cavaliers series.

    Also, I was curious about this minor detail since first having contact with the first of your books: I am not a native English speaker and I didn’t notice in other historical fiction/romance books the form of address “mistress”, as in “mistress Vernon”. Was this a typical form of address? Whom would one address in this way?

    Thank you again!
    All my best wishes!

    1. Thank you for your lovely comments, Irene. It’s wonderful to hear such enthusiasm for my work and particularly from someone like yourself, reading in another country where English isn’t your first language. (Not that one would know that from the the fluency with which you write!)
      The next audiobook will be Under A Dark Moon which Alex is due to record in May. This, due to the review process at my end and the quality checks when it goes to Audible, will probably make it a late June release.
      Although we have talked a bit about The King’s Falcon, no dates have yet been set for recording it – but I shall set the wheels in motion as soon as possible. Inevitably, fitting such a long audio into Alex’s already crowded schedule can be tricky but I certainly hope we can get Falcon done this year.
      As to the term ‘Mistress’ rather than ‘Miss’, it’s simply the way one would have addressed an unmarried and untitled lady in the 17th and early 18th centuries. It became less common in the latter part of the 18th century and thus you will notice when you read or listen to Under A Dark Moon, that my heroine is largely addressed as Miss Edgerton-Foxe, rather than Mistress.
      If you have any further questions (about anything, really) don’t hesitate to drop in here and ask them. Meanwhile, thank you again for getting in touch and please stay safe in these difficult times.

      1. Dear Stella,

        Thank you so much for your prompt reply! The schedule regarding the recordings of your books seems promising and I can barely count the days until “Under A Dark Moon” will be released. I have to make a confession: I conjectured there might be something good coming out of this pandemic, namely that narrators such as Alex will have more time to dedicate to recordings, since there might be fewer available acting jobs due to restrictions, and also, that my favorite writers will be forced to spend more time at their desks and write up more wonderful stories. Is my assumption true in your case? Or did the pandemic make things much harder by restricting the research you are able to do? Obviously we are all in a different state of mind, feeling both confined and anxious about our health, but how does the current situation influence your writing and your workflow?

        Thank you also for the explanation regarding the term ‘Mistress’. I’m always happy to learn something new and am looking forward to noticing the difference of address in the case of Miss Edgerton-Foxe. I will surely get in touch again when I get curious about things you mention in your books.

        Stay safe and take care!

        1. Hi Irene. Like many other authors, I didn’t flourish in 2020. With no holidays and all the time in the world to write, I struggled to concentrate and apply myself – the result being that Under A Dark Moon took far longer to complete than it should have done. It seems to have been a common thing among writers. And as you correctly say, researching ‘on the ground’ was a problem. I needed to spend time on Romney Marsh and I did manage to do so – but Covid restrictions made it impossible to get inside two of the four churches I needed to see. On the plus side and purely chance, a church I hadn’t planned to visit was open and it was so delightful that I used it for two key scenes. (Dark Moon isn’t a religious book. It’s about smugglers and spies. You’ll have to wait for the audio to find out how the churches come into it.)

          1. Dear Stella,

            I listened to Under A Dark Moon a few days after it appeared on Audible and enjoyed it thoroughly! It was definitely a fresh take on the smuggling theme and I would warmly recommend the book!

            I come nevertheless again to your civil war books and have to admit that the audio version of A Splendid Defiance has become my go-to book whenever I need to feel hopeful. I ended up spending most of August and September just playing it again and again, so much so that I can now recite along Alex most of the lines in the book!

            I’m not sure how much this would be helpful, but have you ever considered editing Wikipedia pages on the civil war (e.g. the one for Prince Rupert) to include your work in the section about where the character/topic appears in fiction? This might attract people interested in that time period, who are not yet familiar with your books.

            Anyway, I just wanted to send you my good wishes again! Take care of yourself! I’m looking forward to news about any upcoming releases!

          2. Thank you so much, Irene – so glad you enjoyed the Dark Moon audio. I’m also delighted (and a little humbled) that Defiance has given you so much pleasure.
            Your suggestion about Wikipedia is interesting – not something I’d ever thought about or knew could be done. I’ll be looking into that.
            As for as the future is concerned, I learned just this morning that we now have dates for Alex to record The King’s Falcon. He’ll begin in the New Year and hope to finish by the end of February – so, all being well, we can look forward to a March release.
            If you haven’t already reviewed Under A Dark Moon
            , please can you find a few minutes to do so? Reviews are so important to both Alex and me. Thank you, again.

  17. Hi Stella!

    My name is Amy and I am so excited about reading/listening to one of your books (as I have not had the pleasure to read one of your novels before) and upon sampling your writings in the last couple of days, I am beyond excited to begin this new journey.

    My dilemma, however, is which one to choose? I tend toward eye strain and so I usually purchase the audio and then read along with the book as I am able. Can you help me choose one of your novels to start with? I love Regency and must admit to not having read “mid-Georgians” before but am very open to it!

    By the way, I am following you on GoodReads and have listened to Alex Wyndham samples of your books on audible. Audible is a bit pricey for my budget, so I want to choose well . . . and who better to advise me than you!

    Thank you in advance for any suggestions you can give! I am so excited to get started!!

    1. Welcome to my website, Amy. I always point new readers who like historical romance rather than historical fiction to my Rockliffe series and suggest, since the books are designed to be read in order, that they start with The Parfit Knight. For the rest, I have contacted you by e-mail.

    2. I’ve never written to an author before, but felt compelled. I started reading The Parfit Knight 2 months ago and I cannot get enough. I really hope you will write another or 2 in the Rockcliffe series. I’ve read them all plus many others you have written. I disappear into the worlds you have created. I was an avid reader when I was much younger. Devouring all the Georgette Heyer novels. I still have every one of them. Now I am back to reading, thanks to you. I read on my lunch breaks and every other chance I get. Housework be damned. It’s time to settle in to another book. Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou

      1. Thank you getting in touch and also for your kind comments, Diane – it’s always a great pleasure to hear from someone who enjoys my work as much as you do. It makes writing the next one seem worthwhile. I am guessing that you are in the UK? But wherever you are, if you could spare a few moments to review any of the books you’ve read I would greatly appreciate it.

  18. I am a latecomer to your books and I am kicking myself for not reading them earlier! I started the Rockliffe series not long after my mother died at Christmas and found them a perfect escape. I have read them all including ‘Midwinter Magic’. I loved them all , (though Tracy’s in particular!) with Dominic and Rosalind’s story being particularly enjoyable – especially with the fantastic ending in Midwinter Magic. Thank you.

    Having started enjoying books set in the Georgian period with ‘Devil’s Cub’ by Georgette Heyer when I was 11, (more years ago than I care to admit to!) I was delighted to find this series with such wonderfully nuanced characters, great dialogue and amazing plots. I will now move on to your other books. Although I normally read, rather than listen, I have bought the new Brandon brothers story on Audible – as having listened to the narrator – I just had to!

    I just wanted to thank you for the pleasure your books have given me. Kindest regards.

    1. Thank you, Susan. So glad you’ve enjoyed Rock & Co. As for the Brandon Brothers, you’ve probably seen that Adam’s story (Under A Dark Moon) is now available for pre-order in most market-places. And yes, Alex Wyndham is a terrific narrator and if you get into the 17th century titles – A Splendid Defiance and The Black Madonna, for example, that is arguably where he is at his best. If you cared to review any of the books, it would be greatly appreciated!

  19. Hi Stella, The Rockcliffe series was recommended by a friend after they provided a very welcome distraction to her chemotherapy treatment. Nothing so drastic for me, but they have lightened what feels like the darkest hours of lockdown and a lot of domestic drudgery. So, thank you!

    Reading Cadenza, it felt like you had very specific pieces of music in mind, some identified, others not. Have you shared a music list to accompany Cadenza or, even better, a Spotify list? I appreciate that most of the music would be performed on the piano rather than the harpsichord, but it would still be lovely to hear it as an accompaniment to the novel.

    Apologies if this has been asked before and I’ve missed the answer.

    1. Hi Jane. Thank you for getting in touch. It’s always a pleasure to hear from readers who have enjoyed my work and even more special to be told that Rock & Co have helped brighten lockdown. Please also pass on my very best wishes to your friend for her recovery.
      Now … the Cadenza music – all of which was hugely personal for me. However … go to the Extras page here at the website. It’s a rolling site, so scroll down past Covent Garden and Drury Lane etc to a picture of a harpsichord where you can listen to snippets of all the pieces Julian plays in the Wynstanton House concert. All are performed on the harpsichord and many of them played by Jean Rondeau – a young, French harpsichordist who is the nearest thing to a 21st century Julian Langham. (This is perfectly true – I’ve met him a couple of times.) Further on down the Extras page you’ll come across the Wynstanton House concert programme … and further down still, Jean Rondeau playing the J.S.Bach Fantasia which is Julian’s favourite. (You’ll have gathered by now that I’m a BIG fan!) I should add that I have a musical background and play myself – though not to anything like professional standards!

  20. I’ve just finished a re-read of The Marigold Chain, which I dearly love, and I wondered if you’ve considered writing a novel with Giles as the hero? I know you’re immersed in the Brandon brothers at present, but it would be wonderful to see more of Giles after his departure for Jamaica–and to hopefully see him happy!

    1. I’ve been asked for Giles’ story before and I agree that he’d make a terrific hero. However, there’s always another book to do first – now, for example, it’s Leo Brandon’s story. But one day perhaps.

  21. Hi I’m a new member and I’ve really enjoyed your books especially the Rockecliff series. My favourite hero’s are Amberley and Rosalind.
    I have just finished reading the Midwinter magic book and wanted to ask if Rockecliff was in love with Rosalind or if I’ve misunderstood?
    Thank you so much!

    1. No, Rockliffe was never in love with Rosalind, Fatima – if I remember correctly, I believe he actually tells Amberley that in The Parfit Knight

  22. Hi Stella
    I discovered The Parfait Knight earlier this year, and just wanted to let you know that I adore the whole Rockliffe series. I’m listening to the audio versions (perfect narrator!) and about to finish Hazard. I’m trying to space them out so that I don’t race through them, as I know how sorry I’ll be to finish the series.
    What wonderful characters! I love the way they crop up in new stories, often with meaningful roles and not just as walk-ons. (Hazard is a perfect example). Also the wealth of historical detail, and the way you set up such emotionally charged scenes, all combine to make these books a delight to read.
    So thank you for all the hours of enjoyment they’ve provided.

    1. Thank you for your kind comments, Julie – go glad you’re enjoying Rock & Co as well as Alex’s outstanding performances. In case you’ve missed it in some of my earlier replies to other people, you can look forward to a Rockliffe novella – Midwinter Magic – in time for Christmas.

      1. Thanks for your reply, Stella. I knew the novella was coming out but not the title. Will definitely keep an eye out for it, I’m so pleased you’re continuing their story! Also from previous posts, I have to confess I’m very curious about SHH. Do you do group reads and discuss the books, or focus solely on Georgian history (which I guess the name suggests)!?

        1. I’ve just approved your application to join SHH, Julie – at least, I believe it was yours! The group is what you might call my support team and I keep it deliberately small. We’re mostly non-serious and chat about anything and everything – though rarely other authors. At present, they’re casting hypothetical Rockliffe etc film roles! Pop over and say hello – the other members will welcome you.

      2. Thanks for your reply, Stella. I knew the novella was coming but not the title. I’ll certainly keep an eye out for it… our Christmas treat!

  23. I am an American who stumbled across your books quite by accident….a simple suggestion for the Parfit Knight in my Audible account. During quarantine, your stories have brought much listening pleasure and they’ve kept me company on my daily walks. I’ve been through each book available on Audible. Just finished listening to Garland of Straw. Wondering if there are any plans for audiobooks of the last two Roundhead & Cavalier books? I don’t think the books would be quite as enjoyable minus Alex’s narration. It’s impossible not to fall in love with your characters and to learn history in the process. I’m always sad to say goodbye at the end of a story, so I appreciate how you weave former characters through the series to give us follow up.

    1. Thank you, Karissa – I’m so glad you’ve been enjoying my work during these recent dark times.
      Yes, we do hope to bring the last 2 R&C titles to audio in due course though no recording dates have yet been set. At present, we’re still trying to schedule the Rockliffe novella I’ll be publishing in time for Christmas in the hope of getting the audio out around the same time.
      The difficulty is that Alex gets a lot of narrating work these days so his diary is always pretty full! However, both he and I are keen to complete the R&C series. If you’re following me here at the website or have signed up for my monthly newsletter, you’ll get all the latest info.

      1. Thank-you. A Rockliffe novella will fun to look forward to.
        A nice Christmas gift. 🙂 I imagine recording and editing an audiobook is a lot of work.

        1. Alex does all the really hard work, Karissa. I supply the script and detailed notes on the characters – ages, accents if any, social class, notable characteristics etc. After that, it’s down to Alex. I do get to hear the first 15 minutes when it’s done – then nothing until it’s finished and the whole audio comes back to me for review. My job at that point is to find any errors and pinpoint the second they appear. This part is both a pleasure and surprisingly hard work as it requires intense concentration. If mistakes are missed they’ll still be there when the audio goes on sale and Alex will be blamed for them when the fault is really mine. Once I’ve reviewed, the audio and correction list go back to Alex – he makes the changes – then back to me again for a final check. I sign it off, pay for the work – and off to Audible it goes. All of which is probably more than you wanted to know!

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