Wishing you all a wonderful festive period – however you celebrate it – and a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Historical fiction; Historical romance; Georgian; 18th Century; English Civil War; 17th Century; Fiction;
Wishing you all a wonderful festive period – however you celebrate it – and a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Thanks, Stella. Christmas greetings to you and yours.
Thank you, Paddy – and every good wish for 2024 to you and yours.
Dear Stella, thank you so much for your wonderful books. I love them all and your characters seem to have become my friends. Particularly this Xmas when my husband, who had a near fatal accident a few years ago and is still suffering from the results, has been really poorly and spent most of the time in bed. I have been so glad to read about my friends in your books, which have kept me company while my son is upstairs on his computer.
I hope you have a very Happy New Year. I will be following you online and so look forward to your next book. Yours Carol
Thank you, Carol. My very best wishes for 2024 – and I hope that your husband’s health improves.
Thank you Stella for all the pleasure you have created for us over the years. May you have a Holiday season filled with joy and happiness.
Thank you, Diane. Every good wish to you and yours for 2024.