Wishing you all a wonderful festive period – however you celebrate it – and a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.

Author: Stella Riley


6 thoughts on “”

  1. Dear Stella, thank you so much for your wonderful books. I love them all and your characters seem to have become my friends. Particularly this Xmas when my husband, who had a near fatal accident a few years ago and is still suffering from the results, has been really poorly and spent most of the time in bed. I have been so glad to read about my friends in your books, which have kept me company while my son is upstairs on his computer.
    I hope you have a very Happy New Year. I will be following you online and so look forward to your next book. Yours Carol

  2. Thank you Stella for all the pleasure you have created for us over the years. May you have a Holiday season filled with joy and happiness.

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