Now available for pre-order

A tale of smuggling, espionage and romance set amidst the mists and mysteries of Romney Marsh. Follow master-swordsman, Adam Brandon … and discover Camilla Edgerton-Foxe’s secret talent. And meet master-of-disguise Rainham and Finch, possibly the worst valet in the world.

Pre-order now from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo and Apple.

Under a Dark Moon will be released on March 27th

Author: Stella Riley


26 thoughts on “Now available for pre-order”

  1. Such a happy email to receive.Really looking forward to ordering and reading your new book.Reread your Civil war books after Christmas …a joy… thank you so much and Midwinter Magic was lovely too.Stay safe and well.

    1. Thank you, Alison. I’m delighted that you enjoy the R&C books enough to re-read them and equally glad that you liked Midwinter Magic. As for staying safe and well – the same to you.

  2. Humph! At last. Just joking! But everything seems to be coming right now. And hopefully all my other favourite authors will also be able to get vaccinated and carry on writing.
    Seriously though, Stella, I’m really looking forward to Adam’s story. Unlike most of your other heroes in the Rockliffe series he’s almost a blank slate, apart from his liking for swords, so more interesting? Thank you in advance!

    1. Yes, I realised you were joking Margo – or I hoped you were! I think you’ll like Adam. He has a number of interesting characteristics – and isn’t so hard on the eye, either. But I think quite a few readers may fall for Rainham, as well. Fortunately for me, he’s already married.

      1. I’m so guilty of falling hard for Rainham. Would love to know how he met his wife and how he became a master of disguise!

        1. You’re not alone in falling for Rainham, Rachael. About half-way through writing the book, I started fancying him myself and realised that if I did, others would, too. At that point, I decided it was probably a good thing he was already married and, though I could have changed that, I decided against it. But you never know. He might drop in again at some time.

  3. So exciting! Can,t wait to read “under the dark Moon!
    Will the paperback be released at the same time as the e book?(i only saw the ebook listed in Amazon).
    Do you plan any others in this series?

    1. I’m hoping to release the paperback around the same time (or not much later) as the ebook – should be possible, Jane. And yes, Brandon Brothers is a trilogy. Book One is A Trick of Fate – Max’s story. Under A Dark Moon is Adam, the middle brother. And yet to be written, Leo. You’ll have met their sister (Arabella) in Cadenza.

  4. This is so exciting as I really enjoyed ‘ Trick of fate’ and hopefully will enjoy this when it arrives on Audible.
    Have you any date for the audio version as I find it hard to read for a long time.
    Lovely to have another story about the Brandon brothers.

      1. I don’t have a Kindle, will it be released in book form? So excited for a new Stella Riley.

        1. I’m hoping to get the paperback out around the same time – or only a little after – the ebook, Andrea. I’ll post here on the website when I have firm news.

  5. What an exciting announcement—I was just thinking about the Brandon Brothers! Congrats and I cannot wait 😀

    1. Good question, Paddy! I dropped off there, didn’t I? Dark Moon will be released on March 27th – and I’ve updated the original post to say so.

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