The audiobook of THE KING’S FALCON was released last night and is available to purchase from Audible and Amazon etc. Here is the UK Audible purchase link:- https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/B09VQ2P8KG?qid=1647508214&sr=1-14&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_14&pf_rd_p=c6e316b8-14da-418d-8f91-b3cad83c5183&pf_rd_r=QFDQ8HJ6HD2J77N8R6Z6
I’ve now listened to it and thoroughly enjoyed the audio version of The King’s Falcon. I’m always wary when British actors read French (I grew up speaking it), but Alex did a splendid job!
It’s a book I’ve enjoyed before – I do like your setting it during the golden age of French theatre! I have a soft spot for Francis, and thought you did a brilliant job of showing Charles II on his French ‘stage’. And we’re treated to a double romance, which is always fun. It’s some years since I read it. Alex brought back all the drama, atrocity (Worcester!) and pleasures of The King’s Falcon.
Delighted that you enjoyed it, Sophie. Falcon was a tough piece of work for Alex – so many characters and lots of French ones. Glad you felt he did a good job. Any chance of a brief review, please?
Yay, another audio book! I’ve just bought it on amazon.de. I was afraid I’d have to wait, but it’s there, whew. I’m on holiday (the longest ever in South Africa) and listening while soaking up a fabulous view is extremely therapeutic. 🙂
I’ve seen some of your photos on FB, Bea – you seem to be having a great time in a lovely place.
Perfect timing as I have recently relistened to The Black Madonna and Garland of Straw! I am much looking forward to Alex’s performance! Are there any plans for him to record Lords of Misrule anytime soon?
We will do Misrule eventually but first it needs a new cover and another proof-read. And Alex’s next collaboration with me will be The Montesoro Legacy which we’re just starting to think about possible dates.
Yippee! All other listening on hold as I dwell in your world.
Hope Falcon lives up to expectations, Cate. Considering the complexities, I think Alex has done extremely well with this one.
So excited ,a new book of yours to listen to. Purchased it from Audible today.
I really enjoy your stories and have all your books in my Audible account, re listening and treasuring them all
Thank you, Susan. I hope you enjoy both Falcon and Alex’s performance of it.
A cup of tea, a chocolate biscuit and Alex wWyndham reading a Stella Riley book, Perfection !!!!!
Thank you – I certainly hope you enjoy Falcon. Alex says it’s one of his favourites so far.