The Parfit Knight to Cadenza … the Rockliffe series

I read the first five books back to back and loved them. I finished the last one while walking over London Bridge because I couldn’t put it down.”             

Hilary Rose,    THE TIMES

Author: Stella Riley


6 thoughts on “The Parfit Knight to Cadenza … the Rockliffe series”

  1. I’ve really enjoyed almost all of Stella Riley’s books, particularly the Rockliffe series, the only disappointment was ‘A Trick of Fate’ – I found it hard to believe that the Max Brandon in that was the same confident, masterful character we met in ‘Cadenza, and the Cook’s Tour of the Borders was too improbable for words – but I loved all the others, and indeed would find it hard to name a favourite.
    What I would really like to see would be to have some of the loose ends in the other Rockliffe books explored – most of all, how did Ralph Sherbourne & Elizabeth’s marriage pan out?

    I enjoyed the prospect of seeing Julian and Arabella heading towards Happy Ever After to the strains of a harpsichord, but it did feel just a little bit obvious, and I was disappointed that Ralph and Elisabeth’s romance was – well, not so much put on the back-burner, as wrapped in cling-film and popped into the freezer for another day. With his ghastly brothers and Philippa Sutherland in the background there’s a potential feast for any fan of Stella Riley, and I’d love to see Elizabeth the ice-maiden come to life!

    1. On numerous levels, I’m not sure what to make of this, Nicola. Did you perhaps not realise that when you post comments here you are addressing me personally rather than the world at large? However … I gather you’re making two main points. Firstly, you didn’t enjoy A Trick of Fate. The simple answer to this is that no one can always please everyone and unfortunately I’m no exception to that; the more complex one is that every book I write has to be a bit different from the others or I’d be accused of writing to a formula. Your other point concerns Ralph and Elizabeth – specifically that their story has been left incomplete and ‘popped in the freezer’. This leads me to suppose that you didn’t read the whole of A Trick of Fate. If you had, Chapter 18 would have shown you that their relationship has blossomed and that the ‘ice-maiden’ has indeed come to life. Finally, I’ve often been asked to write about one or other of my couples’ marriage. The truth is, once they’ve achieved their HEA, there isn’t a story to tell – unless they split up or one of them dies. Sorry.

  2. I felt the same way, Hilary! I t was like trying to eat just one potato chip.
    The characters draw one in and you have to keep reading to find out what happens to them, they are so real. I re-read the series recently because i enjoyed them so much. And if you want a real treat, listen to Alex Wyndham
    read them on audio. He really brings them to life.

    1. Thanks, Jane. Hilary Rose recommended the Rockliffe series in the The Times (London not New York!) a while back, just before Cadenza was released. It was a BIG surprise to me.

  3. I love all of these books, but I think my favorite must be The Wicked Cousin. Most likely because there are no misunderstandings and our hero makes his declaration early and honestly, and from then on our couple are together against all obstacles and I just so loved rooting for them.

    1. Thank you, Danielle. While writing The Wicked Cousin I realised how long it had been since I read a book where the hero had to run the gauntlet of his love’s father in order to win her hand – consequently this became an important integral part of the book. I had a lot of fun with the scenes between Sebastian (usually so confident and full of humour but now reduced to a mass of nerves) and Charles Delahaye. As for Cassie the Valkyrie … well, there had to be something beneath the Perfect Lady exterior, didn’t there?

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