Lords of Misrule has been awarded a B.R.A.G. Medallion – with full marks in all 10 categories!

An example of how to write history and keep the reader bound up in the story. Full of well-researched facts and written in a very readable style with a mix of real and fictional characters. Very engaging on all levels!

Author: Stella Riley


14 thoughts on “HUZZAH FOR EDEN & LYDIA!”

  1. I love this series, didn’t want it to end. I re-read it regularly, wish there were more.

  2. Congratulations on another well-deserved award. This is one of my all-time favorites. I feel a reread coming on!

  3. Congratulations…I agree!

    It’s one of my favorite of your R&C stories…I’m hoping it will be coming out in audio soon….?

    P.S. I also still have a soft spot for The Marigold Chain. It was the first of your books that I read (too many years ago to mention:>)

  4. I love all your books, Stella. They are so well written, researched and structured. The psychology of the protagonists never jars (I am a psychologist and it matters!!). As always, I look forward to where your skill and imagination takes you next.
    Kindest regards, Shar

    1. Thank you, Shar. Your remark about the psychology of my characters means a lot. Have you read The Shadow Earl, by any chance? I would be interested in your views.

      1. I am just about to start it and was intrigued by the outline given – wondering how you were going to handle such a difficult backstory for the hero. I look forward to reading the story as it unfolds and am confident that you will get it right!
        VBW Shar

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